Tata Play South Talkies is a one-stop destination for the best and popular movies in Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu – available in HINDI
Watch top-rated movies, world television premieres and thrilling entertainers back-to-back and completely ad free! All you need to do is sit back and enjoy!
Got questions? We have answers!
- What is Tata Play South Talkies?
Tata Play South Talkies is a one-stop destination for the best and most popular movies in Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu – available in Hindi.
- What types of content are available on Tata Play South Talkies?
Watch top-rated movies, world television premieres and thrilling entertainers back-to-back and completely ad-free!
- Is Tata Play South Talkies available in all regions?
Yes, it is available in all regions. You need to subscribe to the pack. The best and most popular movies in Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu are available in Hindi.
- Do I need a separate Tata Play South Talkies subscription if I'm already a Tata Play user?
Tata Play South Talkies is an add-on pack. Log into your Tata Play account and subscribe to the pack. Please ensure you have enough balance available in your account.
- Can I watch Tata Play South Talkies on multiple devices?
With the Tata Play app, you can log in to 10 devices. However, you can view Live TV On Demand on a maximum of 2 devices simultaneously per subscriber ID.