About #RecallBengal


Know more about Bengali culture and traditions with infotainment videos

  • Recall Bengal Image 28

    Baul - Poila Baishakh

  • Baul - This Iktara carries the memories of two generations

    Baul - This Iktara carries the memories of two generations

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    Keertan – There is strong belief that the Almighty resides in music​

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    Santal – Santal tribes dance happily on Poush Mela​

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    This Durga Puja, take a memorable journey and experience the culture of Bengal

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    Santal - Meet Bengal's very own dancing stars

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    Patachitra perfect – Catch Bengal’s most colourful storytellers​

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    Bengal's one and only, the legendary one-man act, the Bohrupee

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    Say hello to the original bong rockstars, the Bauls

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    Presenting 'Maa aasche Maa aasche' by bong nightingale, Rina Dasi Baul


Read interesting articles and blogs on different aspects of Bengali culture


Baul music combines spiritualism & mysticism with folk music​




Baul music and Santal dance are integral parts of the rich Bengali heritage​


Bohurupee artistes pay homage to Goddess Durga and try to impress her to visit the Earth​


Chau dance combines folk, tribal and martial traditions into folk dance style​


The Kirtanakars create a musical stairway to heaven with their devotional bhajans​