
Get your answer in our frequently asked questions

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Get your answer in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)​

  • What is NCF (Network Capacity Fee) & how is it charged?

    The subscription has two components. One is the Network Capacity Fee (NCF), which is like a rental. The other is the prices of any pay channels.

    Primary box: Distributors can charge subscribers a "Network Capacity Fee" (NCF) of Rs.130 pm + taxes (i.e. Rs.153.40 pm incl. of taxes) for providing up to 200 NCF count. For providing more than 200 NCF count the distributors can charge Rs.160 pm + taxes (i.e. Rs.188.80 pm incl. of taxes). If a subscriber opts for HD channels, then each HD channel will be counted as equal to two SD channels

    Secondary box: Rs 61.36 for the first 200 NCF count and Rs 75.52 for more than 200 NCF count.

    NCF Slabs NCF Charge (incl. of Taxes) for Primary connection NCF Charge (incl. of Taxes) for secondary connections
    0-200 ₹ 153.40 ₹ 61.36
    201 and above ₹ 188.80 ₹ 75.52


  • How is my NCF Slab calculated?

    Your NCF slab is calculated basis the sum of the NCF counts of the subscribed channels, where the SD channels have an NCF count of 1 and HD channels have an NCF count of 2.

  • I was earlier being charged Rs.153.0 pm for NCF. Why has it been changed to Rs. 153.4 pm?

    The applicable NCF as per TRAI's notification is Rs.153.4 pm (Rs.130 + 18% tax).

  • How can I add/drop ALC Channels or Tata Play services by myself?

    You can add / drop an A-la-carte (ALC) channel using any of the below options:

    • Tata Play website – To add/drop in a few easy steps, click here
    • WhatsApp
      • Register your account on WhatsApp by giving missed call to 9229692296 from your Registered Mobile Number. Make sure your Registered Mobile Number and WhatsApp number are the same. You will get a confirmation message on your WhatsApp. ​
      • Send Add or Drop (Space) EPG Number ​ For example, to add drop Ten Sports ALC: Add 470 / Drop 470​​
    • Missed call
      • Give a missed call to or universal missed call number (080 6858 ) followed by the EPG number of the ALC you wish to add.​
        For example, to add Ten Sports ALC (EPG number is 470), give a missed call to 080 6858 (0470).​
        For example, to add Tata Play Kannada Cinema (EPG number is 1602), give a missed call 080 6858 (1602).​
  • How do I know about my pack details, balance or recharge due date?

    Give a missed call on 080-61-9999-11 from your Registered Mobile Number. You will receive SMS with the pack details. Click Here to know your pack details.


  • What are the packages available at Tata play?

    Tata Play has made the it easy for you to choose packs that best suit your requirements. Currently there are over 250 broadcaster packs and we save you the hassled of understanding and choosing from them. Here’s what we offer:​

    • Tata Play packs:These packs contain a curation of broadcaster packs and pay channels as per your viewing requirements. For eg: 'Hindi Basic' pack will give you the best of Hindi content, 'Family Kids' pack will give you the best of Hindi, Music, Knowledge and Kids genres and 'Premium Sports English' pack will give you all of the above with Sports and English content also, by putting together packs from the newly declared packs/channels by broadcasters.​
    • Add-on & Regional packs:These packs contain a combination of pay channels of a specific genre. For eg: ‘Kids’ pack contains all pay channels of Kids genre across broadcasters and ‘Tamil Regional’ pack contains all pay channels of Tamil Regional genre across broadcasters.​
    • FTA Basic: This will be the Basic Service Tier as defined by TRAI. It will contain 100 FTA SD channels.​

    View all FTA channels

    Know more about Tata Play packs 

  • What are the broadcaster packs available for Tata Play subscribers?

    We have channels and packs of all major broadcasters on Tata Play platform, such as Star, Sony, Zee, Times, TV 18 etc. Each of the broadcasters has multiple packs of their channels. There are over 250 broadcaster packs. To gain a better understanding of the packs and to choose the best one, please take a look at Tata Play packs which have been curated and recommended to best suit your viewing requirements. To know more about broadcaster packs, click here.​

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