Recharge Cashback Festival
TATA PLAY Annual Cashback offer
Get Guaranteed 1 month cash back with recharge of 11 months TATA PLAY account
Paytm UPI Offer
Get assured cashback of up to ₹100 using Paytm UPI/UPI lite on minimum recharge of ₹299 and above.
TATA PLAY Semi annual Cashback offer
Get Guaranteed 15 days cash back with recharge of 6 months TATA PLAY account
Tata Neu HDFC Bank Credit Card Offer
Get up to 5% NeuCoins on your recharge with Tata Neu HDFC Bank credit card
Mobikwik UPI offer
Get up to ₹75 cashback on recharge using Mobikwik UPI on Tata Play app and website
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